The science-based guide to overcoming procrastination. For good!


End the pain of procrastination

Start listening to lesson one now 🎧 Download the app to continue your journey.

Uncover the root cause of your procrastination

Far more than a productivty hack. Adding your daily task unlocks deep insights about your psychology.

Stop fearing your to-do list

Achieve big goals by progressing one important task everyday. ​​Rather than a mounting to-do list, you’ll get evidence-based guidance to get you unstuck.

Learn the skill of getting important things done

Rooted in psychology, our personalized lessons help you develop strategies to overcome procrastination. You’ll gain practical knowledge you can put into action right away.

Meaningful and sustainable change

We know what doesn’t work. Motivational talks, social media blockers and new organization tools are only temporary fixes. We are in the business of long lasting change.